Deacon Marcianne’s blog – March ’24

For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45

Dear Friends,

Greetings in the name of God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

During this Lent Season, I have been reflecting on the ministry of Jesus, who did not come to be served, but to serve, and to ultimately give his life as a ransom for the salvation of all. How does this relate to our Methodist Church diaconal ministry?

Lent blocks

Deacons are men and women who have been called by God to serve in many different ways; from offering a lifetime commitment and a willingness to serve where needed, to bridging the gap between the church and the world. The diaconal ministry has been described as ‘standing in the doorway of the church’ keeping the door open both ways.

A Deacons ministry intentionally overlaps with the ministries of others as part of God’s bigger picture of activity and presence in the world. This helps deacons to develop the ability to practice different types of Leaderships, while seeking to model, inspire, empower, and encourage others in the servant ministry of Christ. In some cases, deacons might lead from the front, other times from behind or alongside. From washing someone feet or serving as the head cook to taking out the rubbish as a waiter; every position in a successful kitchen is attended graciously and valued in God’s eyes. Deacons aim to collaborate, cooperate, and comprise accordingly. The most important lesson that I have noticed and learned about the Diaconal ministry is that it does not take pride in any form of competition, because this does not allow for time or space to learn, listen, affirm, or challenge where it is necessary.

I recently read some profoundly powerful words on the “Leadership Matters” blog from our President of the Methodist Conference, words that I will reflect on for a long time. She said that “Jesus spent some time with his disciples, his team, listening to their questions, affirming them in their calling but also challenging them to be and do more than they ever thought possible. He ate with them, set them an example, and forgave their mistakes.” It is essential we too follow in the path of Jesus Christ in making our loving and caring presence known in our communities.

May the Holy Spirit of the Living God help and guide us in our mission of making disciples and spending time together through the servanthood ministry.

Deacon Marcianne’s blog – Feb 24

“Why do some people believe that life is a journey?”

Dear Sisters and brothers with whom I share the same faith, peace be with you all in the name
of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

It has been a great joy and privilege for me to participate in our local schools, particularly
contributing to their school assemblies and religious education. During my most recent visit to
the school, as a Christian, I was given a question to talk about: “Why do some people believe
that life is a journey?” On my way home, I was asking the same question: “why do Christians
believe that the life of faith is a journey?”

For Christians, the Bible refers to the life of faith as a “journey”, because it is a transformational
process into Christ’s image from one degree of glory to another. It continues throughout our
earthly life and grows closer to who God created us to be in the first place. This journey simply
focuses on the process of getting there, not the arrival. The focus is on the process, not any

For the first disciples, it was a journey they started when Jesus called them to follow him, and
prior to His Ascension, He set them a mission: “…go and make disciples of all
nations…”(Matthew28:19), He also told them that, in His Father’s house there are many
dwelling-places, that he was going to prepare a place for all who will follow Him; that He will
come again and will take you to himself, so that “where He is, there they may be also.” (John
14:1-3), Jesus is the only way to the Father, because there are no works or deeds or actions
that can save us. The good news is that although this faith journey is full of ups and downs,
full of changes, transitions, challenges, and adventures, we are not alone. God is with us to
the end. There are also spiritual companions on the way, and sometimes the most unexpected
or unwelcome companion can draw us nearer to God or point us to Jesus Christ our Lord and

The Lent season is a time through which we remember the end of most significant earthly
journey story in Christian history. Jesus Christ left heaven, came to earth for our sake, lived
among us, died on the cross and rose again, so that we can live in and with Him. During this
Lent season, Jesus invites us to journey with Him into family relationships, friendships, work,
neighbourhoods, the persecuted church, and the broken world around us. The question is,
whom are you going to invite to journey with you this Lent? As a companion in this faith journey,
whom are you going to draw near or point to our Lord and Saviour this Lent season?
It is my prayer that our commitment and ultimate goal this lent season may be of pointing
others to Christ through companionship, words of invitation, actions, prayers, songs of praise
and fellowship, in the name of God, the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Yours in His service,
Probationer minister, Deacon Marcianne Uwimana